Friday 15 November 2013


Don't ever put yourself in the position where your choices are determined by the fact that you are dependent on anyone, not even if he is your husband and especially not the people you work for. 
Most of the time, most of us hate our jobs but we can't choose to just up and leave because we are slaves... we ensalve ourselves through poor choices: putting ourselves so deep in debt that there is no end to it not even in the very distant future, not being smart in dealing with our day to day finances, being slack in the way that we raise our children and failing to make conscious decisions now, decisions that will affect the rest of our lives or at least affect us somewhere down the line, being slack in your job, not taking every opportunity to learn new things, always improving.   
The Israelites of the time of Moses spent 40 years in the desert because they were foolish. A trip that should have taken them no more than a week, took them 40 years because they chose not to do the right thing especially when they really needed to be doing the right thing. They acted our of emotions and most of them failed to see the promise of God fulfilled in their lives because of bad choices. Some of them even died in the desert. Don't be like those Israelites, perhaps your promised land is closer than you think and the one thing keeping you in the desert is yourself. Whether you die in the desert or die fulfilling your destiny, your fate is ultimately in your hands.

This is especially for the ladies, please consider:

  • If you have been working for the last 10 years and every year, have not added a new skills to your CV then you are failing yourself
  • When considering marriage:
    • don't marry a man who doesn't have a J O B, don't even date a guy who doesn't have a    J O B, whilst love can conquer all; you cannot fill a role that was never intended for you, women are not called to be providers. Have the ability to take care of yourself and your children, hell yeh for sure but YOU ARE NOT CALLED TO BE YOUR HUSBAND'S PROVIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • don't marry a man who cannot put a real diamond on your finger, (this will be a tell tale sign of all the things he won't be able to do for you, the things husbands are called to do for their wives)
  • When in marriage:
    • don't try to change your spouse, don't run to the phone when he fails you, run to the throne... let God deal with him - I can testify to this as this is what I did and God gave me beauty for ashes!
    • it is a good thing to listen to godly counsel but pray for your situation and when faced with those BIG life changing decisions, let the Holy Spirit be your guide - I was told by more than one godly counsellor to leave my husband because they saw what he was doing and they saw how hard it was for me but I prayed without ceasing, walked in righteousness and God gave me the strength and the grace that I needed, the Holy Spirit led me to make the right decisions and our situation did a complete 360!  
    • at the same time, don't go for counselling if you are not willing to do what you need to do to change your situation... do you know how draining it is for people who take the time to sit and listen to you and spend their precious time praying for you then you still don't do the right thing... don't be that girl/guy!
    • don't judge your partner
    • practise unconditional love
    • tell your partner everything and don't do or say anything you wouldn't do or say in from of him/her
    • marriage is not give and take... it is give give give... in a nutshell; you each have a role that you are called to fill, fulfill your role as wife / husband and give give give to your spouse
    • if your spouse is not fulfilling their role, God will take care of you - don't look to anyone else to do that please!!
  • PRIORITISE!!!! God, You, Your Husband, Your Children then Your Job... it is not your job to take care of ANYONE else and you won't be held accountable for ANYONE else.
    • You will be held accountable for your husband & kids - this is a biblical fact. Nowhere in the bible does it say anything about one being responsible for one's parents, inlaws or siblings but the bible is crystal clear about our role as spouses and parents. Yes we are to honour our parents and if you are by the means to take care of them financially, by all means do but your primary responsibility is to your spouse and your own children.
    • Your job is what you do it is not who you are and you must never choose work over your family. Moms don't ever choose your job over a sick child!
  • If you are working for a boss and find yourself in need don't ask your boss for help, ask God - God is your provider, not your boss... your boss pays your salary but God promises to supply ALL your needs. Pray for discernment!
  • If you are a single mother who has a problematic or dead beat baby daddy, partner with God to raise your kids and look to Him to supply all your needs. When your baby daddy does you wrong, don't run to the phone, don't run to mainetanance court, run to the throne. That judge can't force him to step up, that judge can't change his heart and his ways but God can! {I can testify to this because it is what I did and our situation was completely turned around}. God will give you everything and more... I believe God has a soft spot for single mothers.
  • Single mothers, don't keep that baby daddy from seeing his kids unless he is a physical threat to them. No matter how big the L on his forhead is, kids need their fathers in their lives. Those of us who grew up with father have issues, it is normal and we got over those issues. A child needs to know their father, good or bad. At the end of the day when your kids are grown they are going to look to your for answers, they will ask you what you did to bridge the gap between them and their dads... and tell the truth because it has a way of always coming out in the end! 
You have to succeed when you commit your plans to God, this is a biblical promise. God gave you everything you need to fulfill your purpose and ultimately your destiny so be brave, be wise, walk in truth and be free!

Friday 1 November 2013

My 35 at 35

November is my birthday month and I wanted to share my 35 at 35 - 35 life-changing lessons I have learnt over the last 35 years.... Enjoy!

1.       Joy always comes in the morning

2.       True love can happen more than once

3.       God is love and when your heart is in Him it can never be broken

4.       You are stronger than you think

5.       You have what it takes to rise above absolutely anything

6.       Wearing red lipstick can cure the blues & make you feel stronger

7.       You cannot move forward in life when you are not walking in truth; the truth will always set you free

8.       Don’t try to do what only God can do for you, let go and let Him

9.       Children grow FAST!!! As a parent, treasure every single moment

10.   There is power in the name of Jesus

11.   Your destiny is not tied to anyone who left you… remind yourself why he left you and how he left you in the first place, look forward not backward in order for you to move forward and not backward!!!

12.   Love don’t pay the rent but it sure as hell can conquer all

13.   Not everything that feels like love is love, use your brain as well as your heart – 50/50

14.   Always read the fine print – terms & conditions – before agreeing to anything

15.   Life is too short to buy the cheaper ice-cream!

16.   Don’t ever choose work over your spouse or children! They want to be with you now more than you than the insurance money you will leave behind for them after you gone!

17.   You’ll never be truly happy/settled/at peace until you live your purpose, that which you are passionate about

18.   We all want the house, the car, the material things… it aint worth having all that and being a slave to man or money?

19.   You choose your destiny by living your purpose

20.   Faith really does move mountains – our circumstances don’t move God, our faith does!!

21.   Your children are watching every step, every move, every word that comes out of your mouth, whoever came up with the saying “do what I say don’t do what I do” is a damn fool.

22.   Drug and alcohol addiction is curable

23.   You can’t change your spouse but God can

24.   Your success will be everlasting when you commit everything you do to God; Let Him crown your efforts with success

25.   When you see yourself through the eyes of God, your world changes

26.   You were not born to fit in so don’t be afraid to stand out or stand up for what you believe in, even if you end up being the only one standing! – “The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before” Albert Einstein

27.   You will live your dream when you make the decision to do so

28.   You will always get what you ask for when you believe that you received it – this is because God already has every blessing lined up for you, the key to every door that needs to be opened

29.   Nothing is impossible

30.   Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy

31.   There is a bible verse that says that God prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you will see that manifest in your life when you decide to be what God created you to be

32.   Don’t share your dreams & desires with just anyone, share it only with those who will cover you in prayer

33.   When God opens a door for you, no man can close it

34.   The way to have kindness, peace, gentleness, joy, love, self-control, patience, goodness, gentleness & mountain moving faith is to practise it

35.   I was taught never to count my chickens before they have hatched but I have learned that I have the power in me to determine what will hatch and how much of it I can have!!!



Thursday 11 July 2013


He is the First and Last,
The Beginning and the End!

He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all!
He is the Architect of the universe and the Manager of all times.
He always was, He always is, and He always will be ...
unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, and never Undone!

He was bruised and brought healing!
He was pierced and eased pain!
He was persecuted and brought freedom!
He was dead and brought life!
He is risen and brings power!
He reigns and brings Peace!
The world can't understand him,
The armies can't defeat Him,
The schools can't explain Him, and The leaders can't ignore Him.
Herod couldn't kill Him, The Pharisees couldn't confuse Him, and The people couldn't hold Him!
Nero couldn't crush Him, Hitler couldn't silence Him,
The New Age can't replace Him, and "Oprah" can't explain Him away!

He is light, love, longevity, and Lord.
He is goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, and God.
He is Holy, Righteous, mighty, powerful, and pure.

His ways are right,
His word is eternal,
His will is unchanging, and His mind is on me.
He is my Savior,
He is my guide, and He is my peace!
He is my Joy,
He is my comfort,
He is my Lord, and He rules my life!

I serve Him because His bond is love,
His burden is light, and His goal for me is abundant life.

I follow Him because He is the wisdom of the wise,
the power of the powerful,
the ancient of days, the ruler of rulers, the leader of leaders, the overseer of the overcomers, and is to come. And if that seems impressive to you, try this for size.

His goal is a relationship with ME!
He will never leave me,
never forsake me,
never mislead me,
never forget me,
never overlook me and
never cancel my appointment in His appointment book!

When I fall, He lifts me up!
When I fail, He forgives!
When I am weak, He is strong!
When I am lost, He is the way!
When I am afraid, He is my courage!
When I stumble, He steadies me!
When I am hurt, He heals me!
When I am broken, He mends me!
When I am blind, He leads me!
When I am hungry, He feeds me!
When I face trials, He is with me!
When I face persecution, He shields me!
When I face problems, He comforts me!
When I face loss, He provides for me!
When I face Death, He carries me Home!

He is everything for everybody everywhere, every time, and every way.

He is God, He is faithful. I am His, and He is mine!

My Father in heaven can whip the father of this world.
So, if you're wondering why I feel so secure, understand this...

He said it and that settles it.
God is in control, I am on His side,
and that means all is well with my soul.
Everyday is a blessing for GOD Is!


Whether you believe it or not, receive it or not, whether you Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Atheist, Bhuddist etc etc; the truth is that Jesus died for YOU! He died so that you could be saved by grace. Your sins are washed away by the blood that He shed for You.
Whether you are a sinner or a saint, Jesus died for YOU and His Father loves you unconditionally!
Whether you understand it or not, Jesus died for YOU and His Father loves you unconditionally!
Whether you want to hear it or not, Jesus died for YOU and His Father loves you unconditionally!
No matter what you might have been taught or told about OUR Jesus – He is not my Jesus, the Christians’ Jesus; He is OUR Jesus, whether you believe it or not, whether you receive it or not – I want you to know;  the truth is that there is no other way, there is no other truth but Jesus. Jesus is the son of the living God and the living God that I speak of, He is your Provider, Your Healer, Your Protection and Your Perfect Peace! In the eyes of this God I speak of we are all the same and He loves us all the same. The same mercy, grace and favor that come from Him is available to us all. There is nothing you need to do to receive His love or for Him to approve of you or for your prayers to be heard and answered. When our God the Father of our Jesus looks at You (whether you Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Atheist, Bhudist, etc etc) He sees the divine expression of His love that He created; you are fearfully and wonderfully made by this God.
There is no love light, mother earth, father moon; or whatever other lie you have been told about your Creator, there is only ONE GOD who is the LIVING God of the father of OUR Jesus. Jesus, the son who God sent to earth to die for your sins. That was His purpose, His purpose was to be born to save you! You don’t need to pay for your sins or do anything to seek the approval of God or to be a child of the living King; Jesus paid the ultimate price, made the ultimate sacrifice by laying down His life so that you might be saved!